Examination of Conscience # 1 Based on the 10 Commandments
Examination of Conscience # 2 Based on the 10 Commandments
Sample Examination of Conscience Guide for Young Adults and Adults
When asked which was the greatest commandment, Jesus answered by saying: “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments” (Matthew 22:37-40). Using Jesus’ great commandment of love of God and love of neighbor, the following questions are meant to serve as a sample guide for reflection:
- Have I loved someone or something (power, pleasure, possessions, etc.) more than God?
- Have I spent time in personal prayer each day with the Lord?
- Have I used God’s name lightly, carelessly, or in cursing?
- Have I been involved in superstitious practices?
- Have I attended mass every Sunday and on holy days of obligation?
- Have I paid attention and participated during mass?
- Have I regularly showed up to mass late or left mass early?
- Have I observed Sunday as a day of faith and family?
- Have I worked unnecessarily on Sundays?
- Have I honored and respected my parents?
- Have I treated my siblings with respect?
- Have I cared for my elderly and infirmed relatives?
- Have I been obedient to those who exercise legitimate authority over me?
- Have I damaged the reputation of another?
- Have I gossiped? Have I spread rumors about others?
- Have I harmed anyone physically or emotionally?
- Have I encouraged someone to have an abortion?
- Have I stolen anything that does not belong to me?
- Have I returned or made restitution for what I have stolen?
- Have I held a grudge or refused to forgive someone?
- Have I led other people into sin by my example or influence?
- Have I been unfaithful to the vows I have made, especially the vows of marriage?
- Have I refused to help the poor or the marginalized?
- Have I failed to practice the corporal or spiritual works of mercy?
- Have I been racist or discriminated against others?
- Have I been judgmental of others?
- Have I been charitable with others?
- Have I missed opportunities to go the extra mile and help someone in need?
- Have I used profane or crude language?
- Have I abused alcohol to the point of drunkenness?
- Have I used illegal drugs?
- Have I excessively gambled?
- Have I looked at pornography?
- Have I entertained lustful thoughts or fantasies?
- Have I misused the gift of sexuality and not respected my body or the body of another?
- Have I had an abortion?
- Have I failed to follow the Church’s teaching on being open to having children?
- Have I engaged in homosexual activity?
- Have I dressed immodestly?
- Have I lied?
- Have I been jealous of other people’s goods?
- Have I been prideful or arrogant?