Stephen Maheu has been assigned for his acolyte internship to St. Catherine of Siena Parish. During his internship, he will be serving weekday and Sunday Masses. He will also be assisting at baptisms, weddings, and funerals.
Although he has been a parishioner for many years, we look forward to welcoming Stephen to SCS in his new role.
Stephen entered diaconal formation in August of 2020. He was formally admitted as candidate for diaconal formation on August 12, 2022. He was institute as a lector on August 10, 2023 and an acolyte on August 10, 2024.
St. Catherine of Siena is blessed to have three active deacons serving our parish: Deacon Mike Coney, Deacon Don Richard, and Deacon David Warriner. Our deacons look forward to working with and mentoring Stephen.
Stephen is married to Julie and they have two children (Sarah and Cameron) and three grandchildren (Lucy, Emma, and Mary).
God-willing, Stephen will be ordained a deacon on June 14, 2025 at St. Louis Cathedral. Please pray for Stephen and all men in the diaconate formation program!